News: Social Workers Sierra Leone -SWSL, launched the 2023 social work week today on world social work month.

The event was hosted at the ministry of Social Welfare conference hall and launched by the Deputy Minister -Hon. Haji M. Kella, in a press conference.

The launch also featured a UK social worker and child protection conference chair, Mr. Jason Barnes MSW, MA—founder of the non-profit, Social Work Action Group— who’s currently in Sierra Leone, working with SWSL for one month.

At the Ministry Conference Hall we outlined the plans for social work week which SWSL intends to embark on. The theme for this year’s international social work month celebration is “ Respecting Diversity through joint social action” —developed by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW).

Social work month is celebrated each March!

Thanks to LemonAid Fund, Victoria Cole, Jason Barnes and Rob Townsend Neo-Novid, for sponsoring this event. Happy Social Work Month!#SWSL#2023SocialWorkWeek#Salone.