School for children of disabled parent is challenging -every year we strive to help them get essential school materials to motivate them to return to school. As of 1st August, to 27th August 2024, 4 donors have donated and each donated $50 which will cover for four children. And 48 children remaining hoping to receive your kind gesture to prepare them for school reopening next month September 2024. Total donation received so far $200 out of $2,500 needed to support 50 children.
Since 2022 we identified children of disabled parents face their own battle and with 87% chances to drop out of school due to lack of support. And parents utilize them as tool for their begging. And it doesn’t have to be this way. Education can transform a child, family and a community through your support. Be part of the #50 people giving $50 or more to sponsor a child to school this September.2024. This covers a backpack, shoe, school uniform and books for a school year. Last year, SWSL, supported thirty children with backpacks and shoes based on the donation received. We believed: When we empower these children, they will create a better and more dignified life for their parents. Together, we can make it happen this year too. By giving generously.
This campaign runs from August to September 2024- as schools are normally reopen in September. The goal is to raise $2,500, to cater for 50 children $50 per child cover a pair of shoes, backpack, uniform, pen, half dozen books. We have been able to achieve this in previous years see photo below is from last year 2023 -supplies read more here: Dozens of children of disable parents get Back-to-school kits from SWSL –
why are we passion about this: to help a child of disabled parent to escape begging during school hours see the photo below
By donating, you make it possible. Let’s make a difference together donate generously and help share with friends and family, donate $50 or more here: with thanks! Dozens of children of disable parents get Back-to-school kits from SWSL –
Thanks to you Mr Hassan Bangura and your incredible SWSL team for being relentless in helping children of the disabled population.
I will do my best to make a fonation next week and will encourage family members and friends to do the same.