​4 Sander Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone

+23278729280 / +23233126137

Social Workers Sierra Leone

About UsDonate Today

Enhancing The Quality Of Life, For The People In Sierra Leone.

Social Work & Support

Our Mission: To nurture and develop every Social Worker and also to strive to improve the lives of our community members.

Improved Practice

The ability of education to make a real difference in people’s lives is well known. This is why we strive to offer free education and development programs for the people of Sierra Leone. From adults looking to train and develop their skills to children learning vital knowledge to help them succeed in later life, your support helps us to ensure people in Sierra Leone can begin to get the education that helps them so much.

Homelessness Services

Like in many countries around the world, homelessness is a real issue within Sierra Leone. From individuals to entire families living on the streets. With no shelter, food or support the risk of danger for these individuals from the elements and crime is a real thing. Often made homeless through no fault of their own, the residents of Sierra Leone really do benefit from the work of our amazing volunteers at SWSL. Volunteers will often take to the streets with food, care packages and support for anyone who finds themselves homeless and in need of help.

Child Protection and Development Services

With child poverty a widespread issue across the country of Sierra Leone children can be extremely vulnerable to crime, lack of food and shelter. With the help of our volunteers and generous donors, we are able to assist more children than ever. However there are still many more in dire need of our support. As well as protecting children we can also help them develop and learn new skills to ensure they can have the best chance later in life.

Community Psychosocial Support

A key aspect of social work is working hand in hand as part of local communities to improve relations between all people. SWSL hosts community events and workshops that provides a source of entertainment, education and strengthens the social fabric throughout the community. With your support SWSL can work to train more social workers and help even more citizens of Sierra Leone through community support initiatives.

Fundraising (UK)

Social Workers Sierra Leone are supported and helped to achieve their goals by dedicated fundraisers within the UK, who help spread the message and raise funds for the social workers on the ground within Sierra Leone. We are always looking for passionate individuals to help us in this regard. You can help fundraise for Social Workers Sierra Leone while knowing you are really making an impact with your work and make lifelong friends along the way.

Meet -Mendy Kanu CEO, ( CFOT)

In the last Sunday meal service for People Experiencing Homelessness and mental health challenges, the CEO, Children Foundation of Technology Sierra Leone ( CFOT)-Mendy Kanu  made time to join us and volunteered to serve the breakfast service. He is such a really compassionate soul and we appreciate the support. Together, we can better serve our fellow citizens who are experiencing homelessness and mental health challenges.  Inspired by Mandy and volunteers.

Enhancing The Quality Of Life, For The People In Sierra Leone.

Years Established
Children Helped
Volunteers Who Have Helped

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+23278729280 / +23288778062


4 Sander Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone